The York family’s maternity photos
Yes, this photo session included husband and kiddos! We love shoots of the expectant mother glowing and showing off her belly, but we also appreciate capturing the group that will be this kid’s welcoming committee. Mitch, Lindsey and their young sons, Tate & Turner met us in the woods near a stream to celebrate some pretty fantastic news for this family.
Both sides of Mitch and Lindsey’s families are largely populated by boys. For whatever reason, there just aren’t that many daughters born into the mix. So when the couple found out that their third child was a little girl, let’s just say that there was great joy.

We met up with this crew on a VERY hot Memorial Day, but planned ahead as moms with boys will do. Since we brought our son Finley to the shoot, Lindsey and I decided that when we were done for the day, we would let the boys play in the creek and just get dirty and wet! And they did.
Tate and Turner had some adjusting to do to get ready for a little sister (the Yorks greeted Miss Tinleigh in late June and you’ll meet her soon!), but on this day it was about fun in the woods, something this family thrives on. We LOVE interacting with families who are now friends so despite the heat, we lived it up and got lovely shots of mother, father and kiddos.
Mitch and Lindsey bought the one year baby package, but this session was free because they took advantage of our referral program. We’re not kidding, folks: we honor these and love it when people take advantage of saving AND getting heirloom portraits.
We also captured some absolutely stunning belly photos of Lindsey, but these guys are private and have kept those to themselves. Moms: take note. If you would like photos of you in your 7th, 8th or 9th month with a bare belly, we take those all the time. We won’t share them with the world without asking!
Keep your eyes peeled for the blog about their new little girl! She is a living doll.
We love family portraits whether they are set in the studio, the great outdoors, a specific location like the mountains or high country, or on our property in our outdoor portrait garden. Pixels on Paper photographs, engagements and weddings, brides, and special events and portraits of all kinds in our Wilkesboro, NC studio. We would be honored to meet with you, learn about you and your family and be a part of taking special portraits that will become, we hope, family heirlooms.

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