Posts Tagged: NC Outdoor photographers

an orchard photo session with a young sister & brother

“Everything great that ever happened in this world happened first in somebody’s imagination.”
– Astrid Lindgren (author of Pippi Longstocking)

True. So, we ask you: What on earth was happening in her imagination when we took this photo?
Usually, we’d give our kingdom to know, but in this case, it’s counter to the mystery and fun of life.
And anyway, she’s clearly cracked the code. You can see it in her eyes and mouth.NC Mountain Outdoor Family Portrait Photos by Pixels On Paper Photographers photoNatalie Overby is one of our favorite subjects to shoot, because she is polite, poised, and incredibly photogenic. We hope she always has the tender passion and beauty in her that is so apparent in her photos. She has a poetic face and sensibility you pray is never interrupted by tragedy, but only enhanced by life’s nuances and adventures.
NC Mountain Outdoor Family Portrait Photos by Pixels On Paper Photographers photo NC Mountain Outdoor Family Portrait Photos by Pixels On Paper Photographers photoWe also photographed her little brother Eli that day in our favorite orchard. His mom specifically asked that we capture his gorgeous blue eyes. Eli is a typical boy and would rather be playing in the dirt than sitting still for photos. He is charming, but restless and we couldn’t blame him. Spring… outside… sister’s there to hang with. It’s a recipe for play and soaking up sun.
NC Mountain Outdoor Family Portrait Photos by Pixels On Paper Photographers ©2016 photo NC Mountain Outdoor Family Portrait Photos by Pixels On Paper Photographers photo“There comes a time in every rightly constructed boy’s life when he has a raging desire to go somewhere and dig for hidden treasure.” -Mark Twain (author of Tom Sawyer) …. And Eli is thinking about when to make a break for it…
NC Mountain Outdoor Family Portrait Photos by Pixels On Paper Photographers photoNatalie takes great care to watch out for her little brother, but she was also incredibly present in each moment. It’s an interesting combo in such a young kid and heartening to watch. There’s a lot going on in that girl’s imagination and brain and Eli is the same.
NC Mountain Outdoor Family Portrait Photos by Pixels On Paper Photographers photoThere’s a quote that goes something like, “having a sister is like having a best friend you can’t get rid of… you know whatever you do, she’ll still be there.”
NC Mountain Outdoor Family Portrait Photos by Pixels On Paper Photographers photoAnd there’s another great quote about siblings that says, “sisters and brothers just happen; we don’t get to choose them, but they become one of our most cherished relationships.” -Wes Adamson. We love our siblings, both those by blood and those found through this life and we hope that Natalie and Eli will have the same solidarity and trust, laughter and adventure, mayhem and memories that we have with ours.
Keep it up you two.

We love family portraits whether they are set in the studio, the great outdoors, a specific location like the mountains or high country, or on our property in our outdoor portrait garden.Pixels on Paper photographs babies and kidsengagements and weddingsbrides and special events and portraits of all kinds in our Wilkesboro, NC studio. We would be honored to meet with you, learn about you and your family and be a part of taking special portraits that will become, we hope, family heirlooms.



the orchards are calling ~ booking outdoor portrait sessions

Environmentalist and philosopher, John Muir once said, “the mountains are calling and I must go.” WELLLLLLLLL gang, the orchards are blooming and we are booking sessions for Thursday March 31, Friday April 1st and Saturday April 2nd. Sessions and the peak orchard bloom times are fleeting and limited. These photos are not only great as Easter portraits or for proms, bridals and engagments, they make wonderful gifts for Mother’s Day or to hang in your home. Click here to RESERVE TODAY and please make sure that you select your preferred date and session time.
Madelyn McGuire Family and Child Photography by Pixels On Paper Portrait Photography Minick Outdoor Family Portrait Photography photoCOUPLE OF QUICK NOTES:
+ These sessions will last one hour.
+ We will provide you with unlimited images photographed.
+ Your pre-paid $135 fee reserves your session and is NOT refundable.
+ No digital files or prints are included in this session. All finished images will be available for viewing during your PreView Order session. You can purchase prints or digital files of your choice. Prints start at $12.
+ All orchard sessions are in Wilkes County.
+ For additional details email Misty at or call 336-990-0080
Minick Outdoor Family Portrait PhotographyMadelyn McGuire Family and Child Photography by Pixels On Paper Portrait PhotographyMinick Outdoor Family Portrait PhotographyMadelyn McGuire Family and Child Photography by Pixels On Paper Portrait Photography photo
We love family portraits whether they are set in the studio, the great outdoors, a specific location like the mountains or high country, or on our property in our outdoor portrait garden.Pixels on Paper photographs babies and kids, engagements and weddings, brides and special events and portraits of all kinds in our Wilkesboro, NC studio. We would be honored to meet with you, learn about you and your family and be a part of taking special portraits that will become, we hope, family heirlooms.

favorite family portraits from pixels on paper

Mothers, Fathers, Couples, Babies, Children, Siblings, Grandmothers, Grandfathers, Cousins, Aunts and Uncles.
Mommy, Daddy, Gramma, Grampa, Mamaw, Papaw, Gigi, Nona, PopPop, Nana, Sissy, Bubba, Bro, and on and on the names and terms of endearment go. There are as many descriptors and tags for us as there are types of people. And it’s trite, but you know where I’m headed with this…… they all make up Family. I recently heard someone say that we don’t wake up each day thinking, “this day will be filled with drama,” and the next, “this day is going to be fun and filled with comedy.” I believe this. It’s always all of it – replete. The same is true of families. Looking through the buckets and buckets of family photos Pixels has taken over the years brings into sharp relief how much we love taking family portraits and just how many versions of “Family” there are….too many to count and each one miraculous. What’s below barely scratches the surface.Meade Outdoor Family PortraitsAllen Outdoor Family Portrait PhotographyConner Tevepaugh Six Month Photography by Pixels On Paper Portrait Photography photoMcCoy/Piccard Fall Family Portraits photoAnya Parry Newborn Portrait Photography photo Hatfield Photography, Family portrait photography by Wilkesboro NC Photographers Pixels On Paper Meade Outdoor Family Portrait Photography Styers Family Outdoor Portrait Photography photo Parker Outdoor Family Portrait PhotographyWe are currently booking portrait sessions in our favorite orchard, but you need to book yours ASAP. We cannot wait to see you!
We love family portraits whether they are set in the studio, the great outdoors, a specific location like the mountains or high country, or on our property in our outdoor portrait garden.Pixels on Paper photographs babies and kids, engagements and weddings, brides and special events and portraits of all kinds in our Wilkesboro, NC studio. We would be honored to meet with you, learn about you and your family and be a part of taking special portraits that will become, we hope, family heirlooms.

outdoor mountain family portraits

The Polands have 4 kids, fourteen grandkids, 2 dogs, a donkey and 2 horses. LARGE. They are spread out all over the country so capturing these photos was a one day thing and everyone in the family, pets and all, were there.Poland Outdoor Family Portrait Photography photoWe met James and Judy one night while dining outside at The New Public House in Blowing Rock and liked them immediately. We spent hours on the porch that evening sharing stories, drinking wine and enjoying each other’s company. They told us about their large family made up of their kids and grandkids and their farm just outside of Boone. The various members of the clan rarely see each other. One son is in the military and often deployed. Another son lives in Florida. The family is made up of several blended families and the only time in years that they would all be together in the same place and at the same time was a single day in between the holidays. Judy really wanted a family portrait. Who could blame her? One woman, her husband and in a mere few decades…… a cast of thousands!
Poland Outdoor Family Portrait Photography photoIn only a couple of weeks, Judy called us and gave us the ONE DAY and we were off. We love this shot of Judy and James surrounded by their fourteen grand “babies.” We found a perfect spot on their farm and all of the colorful clothes the kids wore made it work. 9 girls and 5 boys…… LORDY!! And they were so cute and funny with loads of energy.
Poland Outdoor Family Portrait PhotographyPoland Outdoor Family Portrait Photography photoWe love family portraits whether they are set in the studio, the great outdoors, a specific location like the mountains or high country, or on our property in our outdoor portrait garden.
Pixels on Paper photographs babies and kids, engagements and weddings, brides and special events and portraits of all kinds in our Wilkesboro, NC studio. We would be honored to meet with you, learn about you and your family and be a part of taking special portraits that will become, we hope, family heirlooms.


Will you go to prom with me? spring, pink dresses and pretty portraits

prom boho fashion portrait photography by Wilkesboro NC Photographers Pixels On Paper photoThe movie, Pretty in Pink was a massive hit in the ’80s, which means that only the moms of kids going to prom this year will know what I’m talking about. Molly Ringwald and her not-as-cool friends struggle with the usual high school angst that comes to a crescendo at ….. wait for it …… the PROM. The fashions in the movie do not hold up over time, but the story does. High school is a wondrous, complicated, anxiety-producing, profound and fleeting time in life. You can’t grow up without going through it, so you just dive in and have as much fun as possible between exams. Which leads me to: It’s prom season again and time to book your portraits. 

prom boho fashion portrait photography by Wilkesboro NC Photographers Pixels On Paper photo

Our amazing models, L-R: Hannah Holbrook, Molly Holbrook and Erica Walker

Our job – and privilege – is to capture you and your friends dressed to the nines, laughing, having fun and celebrating the fact that spring is coming, followed by prom, followed by SUMMER! Whether it’s on location (like this orchard we love), in our studio or outside in our portrait garden, we’re booking sessions and look forward to seeing you all and taking portraits that you’ll love and look back on with fondness.

prom boho fashion portrait photography by Wilkesboro NC Photographers Pixels On Paper photoprom boho fashion portrait photography by Wilkesboro NC Photographers Pixels On Paper photo

This photo session from 2015 was particularly fun, because of the bohemian theme and styling with chic dresses and accessories for our models, the blossoms on the trees, the props and the girls themselves.

prom boho fashion portrait photography by Wilkesboro NC Photographers Pixels On Paper photoprom boho fashion portrait photography by Wilkesboro NC Photographers Pixels On Paper photoprom boho fashion portrait photography by Wilkesboro NC Photographers Pixels On Paper photoprom boho fashion portrait photography by Wilkesboro NC Photographers Pixels On PaperFor Hannah, Molly and Erica, dresses, shoes, and accessories were provided by BeYoutiful Prom by Bridal Traditions. The flower crown and corsages were provided by Innovative Occasions. And not all of the pictures we take are of girls in pink surrounded by flowers, folks. Here’s a look at a bit from last year…

prom boho fashion portrait photography by Wilkesboro NC Photographers Pixels On Paper photoWe’ll be creating orchard portraits like these again this year! Weather permitting, we’ll schedule them for the first week of April. Times and sessions in the orchard are limited, so please book now. And if you’re not going to prom but want to take advantage of the orchard this time of year for family portraits, a bridal or engagement session or portraits of your kids, let us know ASAP and we’ll get you in our books.
Call us (336) 990-0080 or email

prom boho fashion portrait photography by Wilkesboro NC Photographers Pixels On Paper photo