Posts Tagged: creative photography

When Whitney Met Preston

There’s a great moment in the movie “When Harry Met Sally” – no not THAT ONE – when Harry introduces Sally to his friend hoping Sally will like him and Sally introduces Harry to her friend in the hopes that she and Harry will hit it off. They do NOT. Their friends, however, fall in love with each other instead and pretty quickly know that they are perfect for each other. This leaves Harry with Sally,…  as it was meant to be and let’s all raise a glass to the late, great Nora Ephron for being a genius of insight, humor and writing.
But I digress. Our story is about Whitney and Preston, who met through friends in a similar situation and found out that in fact they were the ones who were supposed to be together. They too fell in love, dated for 5 years and will be married in just under 3 months. These engagement portraits were the first real photos they have of themselves as a couple outside of cell phone photos.

Parsons engagement portrait photography by Wilkesboro NC Photographers Pixels On Paper photoParsons engagement portrait photography by Wilkesboro NC Photographers Pixels On Paper photos

Their love for each other is evident in their body language, laughter and ability to listen to and really see one another. Always a good sign and so fun to watch. The lyrics from one of “their songs” – My Best Friend by Tim McGraw – describe them perfectly.

“Oh we just get closer – I fall in love all over – Every time I look at you…
And I don’t know where I’d be – Without you here with me – Life with you makes perfect sense – You’re my best friend.”

Parsons engagement portrait photography by Wilkesboro NC Photographers Pixels On Paper photosThese two are serious about the foundation of their relationship – a combination of friendship, lots of laughter, commitment and a very strong faith in God. They’ve made plans to incorporate traditional vows into their late summer ceremony and have also added braiding the God’s Knot into the day. For the uninitiated, the God’s Knot is made up of 3 strands of cord: one for God, one for the bride, and one for the groom. During the ceremony, holding the cords as a couple, Whitney and Preston we will braid them and as they are being braided the pastor will read a piece of scripture that describes each strand. They told us that, “God is the biggest factor in both of our lives and we know that as long as we have our faith in God, He will make our marriage and lives together as success and full of love as He sees fit.”

Parsons engagement portrait photography by Wilkesboro NC Photographers Pixels On Paper photos

As we prepare to capture their wedding, we asked them for some thoughts about anticipating both the day and their future. “Our wedding day will be the one day in our lives that all the people we love, both family and friends, will be there to help us celebrate such a special time. We are also very excited about all the photos that will be taken! Pictures serve as memories and this is one moment we never want to forget!”
[A quick interjection/aside here]: People talk about the importance of making memories through photos all the time. It really does take an occasion – like a wedding – to show you how fleeting those moments and those days are and how grateful you are that someone documented your joy, your youth, your hope and your character in that particular moment in time.]

Pixels: What do you want to tell your families?
Whitney and Preston: “We want our families to know that without them our relationship wouldn’t be as strong and successful as it is. Both sets of our parents have shown us what lasting relationships need and how they should be.”

Parsons engagement portrait photography by Wilkesboro NC Photographers Pixels On Paper photo

We have every confidence that these two will work to make their relationship last, surrounded by the support of family and friends (it matters, folks!! you need your tribe around you) and grounded in a strong relationship with God. They are looking forward to the next chapter in their adventure and to starting a family in the next few years.
We LOVE you guys, Whitney and Preston and wish you only more fun, more cracking each other up, more quiet time at home listening to tunes and watching favorite movies and only the best as you build a full – a TRULY full – life together.

Meet Copeland Ward ~ a name you may know before too long

Many of us, in the South especially, grew up hearing, “Pretty is as pretty does.” What is on the outside is just the genetic dressing you were given, but your heart and spine, your care for others, your reactions to life’s circumstances, and your interactions with the world are ultimately what determines the manner of man or woman you are. That said, how you look really is the most important thing. It just is.

<SMILING> Just wanted to make sure you were awake.

At Pixels, we’ve created head shots for business men and women, aspiring models or actors who need a portfolio and those who shine among us and want to share that sparkle for any number of reasons or objectives. Who wouldn’t want to help someone accomplish their goals and be a part of capturing the very best sides of themselves on camera? Copeland Ward is just such a candidate. She’s a busy soon-to-be high schooler, active in gymnastics, is a competitive cheerleader and has joined the pageant scene to great success.

Pixels on Paper photographs Copeland Ward's Model Headshots photo

We invited Copeland to the Pixels studios and also coordinated professional hair and make-up for her and even planned the wardrobe. Our goal was to create a look both youthful and classic, but that would also capture Copeland as the vibrant, interesting girl she is.

Pixels on Paper photographs Copeland Ward's Model Headshots photo

Pixels on Paper photographs Copeland Ward's Model Headshots photo

It’s hard to convey everything about a person in a photo or two, but what we can do as photographers is highlight those features that make you want to meet them or know more or both. Copeland’s eyes and especially her smile invite you in and show such warmth and youth and life and hope… at least that’s what we think. She’s a jewel.
A few weeks after we took these pics, she entered the Young Miss Wilkes County pageant and won. SHE WON! She’s now preparing to compete in the Young Miss North Carolina pageant. We’re so happy to have played a part in this journey, no matter where it leads.

Pixels on Paper photographs Copeland Ward's Model Headshots photo

If you’re interested in having Pixels work with you to develop a portfolio by capturing portraits, contact us. We’d love help you!

1 silent auction ~ 1 horse farm ~ and 3 generations of VanMeters

Early this spring, we wrote about photographing 3 generations of one family on a single day – the Perry Family in Linville, NC. We loved celebrating with them and watching them interact with each other. Honestly, it’s fascinating (read: funny, surprising, humbling) just to see parents and babies together, forget multiple generations. But watching grandparents plus parents, plus siblings and a 3rd generation toddler is even more fascinating. It’s not as though we get a John Steinbeck novel type synopsis for every family photo shoot we do (although that would be cool). We ask questions, do our homework and show up ready to be present, inclusive and creative. This shoot was even more fun, because it was an unexpected prize. Emily VanMeter Styers (second from the left below) went to a silent auction and won our photo session! Nice, huh? And this very shot is one they all ordered enlargements of to hang in each of their houses.

Pixels on Paper photographs the VanMeter family on their horse farm photos

Pixels would love to photograph your family – whether it’s on your property or at our studio – we have both inside and outside options by the way. Get in touch with questions and check out our other blogs.

“baby backdraft” conner joins the tevepaugh clan

He’s beat. Look at him. He fought the good fight, watched out for his brothers-in-arms, rescued those who needed to be saved and now, after some grub at the station, is racked out. He was trying to wipe down his gear when he gave up and that’s when we snapped this. There’s only so much a dude can do, you know? At some point, you just need to call it a day.

Pixels on Paper Newborn photo shoot of Conner Tevepaugh photo

Conner Tevepaugh after a long day fighting fire

Pixels on Paper Newborn photo shoot of Conner Tevepaugh photo

Conner Tevepaugh with fireman Daddy Casey

Conner belongs to these two below – Sierra & Casey Tevepaugh. We shot their amazingly cool wedding at Rendezvous Mountain State Park in Purlear, NC and it was memorable for so many reasons. They didn’t overdue it, weren’t overwrought about it and kept it personal and sweet. Some weddings are about hand-wringing and stress. This was NOT that wedding. They fell in love and got married. It was awesome. Simple, gorgeous, fun and surrounded by love, laughter and true celebration.

Waddell / Tevepaugh NC Rendezvous Mountain wedding

Casey is serious about his job as a volunteer firefighter. The term “die-hard” has been used to describe him and it’s right on. Incorporating the firefighting theme into newborn son Conner’s photo shoot was an easy choice. Clearly, this little creature is comfortable in that setting anyway.

The Tevepaugh family own a beautiful orchard and for generations they’ve been photographing family members among the blossoms, but also in handmade apple crates. Photos of the kids and grandkids in these hang in the orchard’s store/barn to this day. Conner’s great grandfather, Bob Walsh, crafted the wooden baby cradle seen below. Bob is a brilliant woodworker and Conner was placed in his creation for this shoot.

Pixels on Paper Newborn photo shoot of Conner Tevepaugh photo

Pixels on Paper Newborn photo shoot of Conner Tevepaugh photo

Conner cradled in family love

Pixels on Paper Newborn photo shoot of Conner Tevepaugh photo

Pixels on Paper Newborn photo shoot of Conner Tevepaugh photo

Mom Sierra and Baby Conner in repose

Fate (and poet Robert Burns) tell us that the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry. Conner may become a Titan of Industry and wear a suit every day. Or maybe he’ll be a first responder like his dad or farmer like his Grandfather. Either way, his family will impart a love of nature, a desire to serve others, a sense of mirth and adventure and an understanding of how to be together and go with the flow. We LOVE the Tevepaughs and will love watching their family grow.

Pixels offers a photo shoot for newborns to ALL those couples who hire us to photograph their wedding. We’re not mere shutterbugs. We love to capture your big day and, should you choose to start a family, we want to capture your baby as well. Family comes in a variety of forms, but we’re in no matter what shape it takes.

Brushy Mountain Dental ~ home, family, molars….

We found the most amazing house and put in an offer. Then we remembered that we already have an amazing house. Then we remembered that these are clients of ours who’ve we photographed for years. Check out Brushy Mountain Dental in Wilkesboro, NC.Pixels on Paper at Brushy Mountain Dental staff and web photography photo

Can you imagine working here? Well we have for various shoots and it’s a fantastic location. Brushy Mountain Dental provides a service we all take for granted (and need and may be putting off – – just saying) in one of the coolest offices we’ve ever seen. They’ve built a business with people they trust for people they care about – their clients – and they’ve been at it for nearly 15 years.
Pixels started photographing their office and staff several years ago and created a gallery for their website, social media and office.

Pixels on Paper at Brushy Mountain Dental staff and web photography photo

Dr. Christopher Roberts and Timberli Roberts

Pixels on Paper at Brushy Mountain Dental staff and web photography photo
Pixels on Paper at Brushy Mountain Dental staff and web photography photoAll dressed in white. Like your teeth should be…….! Learn more about the commercial and graphic design work from Pixels.

Pixels on Paper at Brushy Mountain Dental staff and web photography photo