Posts Tagged: creative photography

the Spillman wedding at tanglewood park creates an epic southern event ~ hats and all

Dear Wedding Guest: We decided to buy a house.
So, we’re taking our big wedding plans and making some changes.
Thanks for understanding, for being present and for loving us.
Elisabeth Bolick and Isaac Spillman tanglewood wedding photo Elisabeth Bolick and Isaac Spillman tanglewood wedding photo

This is how it went down and this couple is nimble to say the least.
Elisabeth Bolick & Isaac Spillman were planning on a 2016 wedding. Elisabeth was a bride-to-be we met at the Wilkes Wedding Expo in March of 2015 and she was looking forward to her wedding: planning it, grabbing info, meeting vendors and extremely excited. Then just a few months later Pixels got a call. The couple found a house and were ready to invest in a home versus a big wedding. Big change of plans – and for a good reason. Now, they were talking about 50 guests, no attendants and a ceremony during the middle of the day on a Friday.

The reconfiguration of plans was seamless and the ceremony took place at Tanglewood Park in Clemmons, NC and the reception at WinMock. The church on the Tanglewood property is rustic and old world. It was built in 1809 and is one room with open windows for a breeze, and it was perfectly decorated for them. Decorations included Southern magnolia garland branches from the Spillman’s new house property. Elisabeth Bolick and Isaac Spillman tanglewood wedding photoElisabeth Bolick and Isaac Spillman tanglewood wedding photo Even though they changed the ceremony, Elisabeth and Isaac are self-described “big softies,” and they paid attention to the little details. Lady guests were invited to wear Derby hats. Elisabeth’s shoes were a cross between Marie Antoinette and Annie Oakley and her bouquet was created from broaches, tie pins, cuff links, coins, and other important pieces that she requested from both sides of their family. She even had a sixpence in her shoe.Elisabeth Bolick and Isaac Spillman tanglewood wedding photoElisabeth Bolick and Isaac Spillman tanglewood wedding photoElisabeth Bolick and Isaac Spillman tanglewood wedding photosElisabeth Bolick and Isaac Spillman tanglewood wedding photo A change in plans can cause a change in emotions sometimes. This was not true for Elisabeth and Isaac. “Our favorite moments from the day were the special time of just us doing the post-wedding pictures before the reception, the looks on our faces as we recited our vows to one other and how much fun it was (and not stressful)”
Elisabeth Bolick and Isaac Spillman tanglewood wedding photoElisabeth Bolick and Isaac Spillman tanglewood wedding photoYes. That (above) is the Groom’s cake. Isaac loves to fish. And below – check out the Magnolia garlands.
Elisabeth Bolick and Isaac Spillman tanglewood wedding photoElisabeth Bolick and Isaac Spillman tanglewood wedding photoElisabeth Bolick and Isaac Spillman tanglewood wedding photo

Congrats to Elisabeth and Isaac. Much love to you both. Your wedding was magic.

50 years of marriage and finally a wedding reception

1965, like any year in the US, was filled with tragedies that made you shake your head and moments that made you cheer and filled you with hope.

The Beatles were touring and fans were spilling out of every continent.
Muhammed Ali dropped Sonny Liston like a sack of dirt in the boxing ring.
Tear gas filled the air in Selma, Alabama as demonstrators stood up for equal voting rights on “Bloody Sunday.”
Lew Alcindor, New York City’s basketball wonder hit the scene. We knew him later as Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.
The U.S. was active in Vietnam and struggling to determine our role, our commitment and our potential losses.
Ed White became the first American to conduct a spacewalk for Gemini 4.

And the earth turned on its axis. People met and fell in love and got married.
And this is exactly what Lucille and Frank Vannoy did.
On March 20, 1965, along with two of Lucille’s friends as their witnesses, they “ran away” to South Carolina to get married by a justice of the peace.
No big ceremony, no pictures, no party.

So for their 50th, Lucille wanted a wedding reception and that’s what their children gave them.
Vannoy 50th Wedding Anniversary PhotoVannoy 50th Wedding Anniversary PhotoLike all great wedding receptions, the Vannoy’s included a beautiful cake, a fabulous spread of food and drink, family, friends, stories and laughter.
Vannoy 50th Wedding Anniversary PhotoFrank was upfront with us that he wasn’t a “take my picture” kinda guy, so we took the list of photos one wants at a wedding reception and before we knew it, Frank was coming to find either Ryan or myself to photograph him with friends and neighbors!
Vannoy 50th Wedding Anniversary PhotoAny couple who can make it work for 50 years deserves a party this great!
Vannoy 50th Wedding Anniversary PhotoVannoy 50th Wedding Anniversary PhotoSo that they could remember the day and enjoy the memories, Pixels created a custom formal wedding album for Lucille and Frank. Cheers to them and to the next 50 years!



outside bridal portraits in blowing rock, nc on a rainy day and #wemadeithappen

We never know what we’re going to be up against when a portrait session is scheduled outside – whether it’s on a location or at our own outdoor studio in Wilkesboro, NC. After Sarah and her fiancé Danny’s engagement photos were rained out and rescheduled TWICE, we moved up the bridal shoot so it ended up happening before their engagement session. Not our usual order, but we will not be defeated by weather! We took the postal service pledge when we got into this business, so it takes a lot to make us say no.
Thank goodness, Sarah is as spunky and nimble as we are.

Clampett Wedding, Sarah Crisp Bridal Portrait Photo Clampett Wedding, Sarah Crisp Bridal Portrait PhotoSarah had her hair styled near her home in Bessemer City, NC and then made the drive to Blowing Rock, NC for the session. It is a beautiful spot and where the couple got married a month later, but on this day – wait for it – it rained. Again. In between showers, we carried the dress and veil and ran to the cars, waited for it to stop and then jumped out and did it all over again. It was memorable to say the least and honestly more fun than we expected. And Sarah is so beautiful. Her gown, her flowing locks, she was part princess, part mermaid, part woodland fairy and all bride.
Clampett Wedding, Sarah Crisp Bridal Portrait PhotoOne of the other reasons this session was memorable and fun was that her father, a retired military officer of 30+ years, and sister came with her to the property in Blowing Rock. They were a perfect addition to the day. Dad decided to come when he heard that 2 of his 4 daughters were driving that distance for the shoot and he wanted to follow them home to make sure they made it. Don’t you love this guy? Big and mighty, but a tender father of 4 girls who are all “Daddy’s Girl.” He carried the veil, the bouquet and even held our lights against the wind.
Clampett Wedding, Sarah Crisp Bridal Portrait PhotoIt takes a village sometimes to create a bridal shoot, but this one had the right crew and a happy ending. Stay tuned to see the engagement and wedding photos for Sarah and Daniel. We cannot wait to share.
Clampett Wedding, Sarah Crisp Bridal Portrait Photo

engagement photos from a first date …… sorta

Last October, Pixels participated in the Pumpkin Patch (I’ll pause here so you can wipe the spittle off of your face). The Pumpkin Patch was designed and hosted by the Midtown Garden Market in North Wilkesboro, NC and we loved being a part of its inaugural year. At our photo booth, we were able to see former and current clients and met new ones. Jamie Goforth and Daniel Harrison were two new people we met and we took a pic of them that included Daniel’s young son. We loved them immediately! 5 months later, we saw them again at the Wilkes Wedding Expo and after chatting, it sealed our desire to work with them and them with us to capture their engagement photos.
Pixels on Paper's Pumpkin Patch sessions reveal a new couple photo

Jamie and Daniel met in middle school, but found each other again many years later. Their first date was fueled by nerves that led to Jamie spilling a drink (a story they now tell through laughter) and they reminded us of us. [QUICK DIGRESSION: When Ryan and I first started dating, we went to The Landmark – still our favorite diner in Charlotte, NC –  and the ketchup bottle exploded as I was doctoring my fries and I basically baptized myself with ketchup. You never know when a moment of mortification is going to be a story for your grandkids. Take that to heart, gang!]
Anyway, …. after that first date, there was a time of chasing and distance and then their paths crossed and they decided to go out again. What truly cemented it though was a trip to Asheville, NC and where they stayed at the famous Grove Park Inn.
At Grove Park, it was Daniel’s turn to spill a drink all over himself, Jamie, the waiter and the people next to them. Just kidding.
This is where they fell in looooove.
They sat out on that awesome porch, nay, veranda and Jamie played songs from her phone and they talked well into the night. At one point, they started dancing and it began to pour rain. Jamie said, “it was my kind of perfect.”
Shooting their engagement portraits where they had their first date – The Cody Creek Depot – was a blast.
Goforth/Harrison Pixels On Paper Photography Engagement portrait photography photoGoforth/Harrison Pixels On Paper Photography Engagement portrait photography photoGoforth/Harrison Pixels On Paper Photography Engagement portrait photography photoWhen we asked them what they were looking forward to most on their wedding day (in Roaring Gap, NC in October of this year) they – these two are seriously cute – both said first seeing each other when Jamie comes down the aisle.

Goforth/Harrison Pixels On Paper Photography Engagement portrait photography photoGoforth/Harrison Pixels On Paper Photography Engagement portrait photography photoGrounded by their faith, their supportive families and each other, the pair has way more than a good shot at a golden anniversary someday.
In the meantime, they are dreaming about their next trip to the Grove Park Inn.

fotos de una familia amorosa que celebran su miembro más reciente (photos of a loving family celebrating their newest member) photographing newborn baby Isabelle

Spaniard Diego Velazquez painted many, many portraits in the 17th century, but Las Meninas (The Bridesmaids) may be his most famous. It’s a painting of a painting and Velazquez even painted himself painting in it. It’s smart and layered, playful and beautiful, but it’s interesting to us because it’s not a portrait of the bride – but of all the others that surround a big event. It’s about the community of family.
Pixels on Paper captures a spanish speaking family around a newborn daughter photoNow flash forward 400 years or so and Pixels gets a call from the Castillio family asking us to take photos of their precious new daughter Isabelle. You know how much we love newborn photo sessions….. the babies are so snuggly and cute (and pliable! remember we often fold them into baskets, buckets, pots, etc.), so we were ready with all of the goods in our studio to show off Isabelle’s sweetness. The Castillios place a higher value on family though, so a coterie of loving family arrived with mom Vanessa and dad Henry. In tow were big sister Jasmine, 3 grandparents and 2 uncles. Family reunion meets celebration meets new baby portrait session.
Castillo Newborn Photography, Family portrait photography by Wilkesboro NC Photographers Pixels On Paper photoCastillo Newborn Photography, Family portrait photography by Wilkesboro NC Photographers Pixels On Paper photoCastillo Newborn Photography, Family portrait photography by Wilkesboro NC Photographers Pixels On Paper photoWe so admire these cultural differences, all the while knowing that family is universal, regardless of continent, language, or century. It just seems easy to forget during our busy current lives until it spills happily into your studio. The entire time we were behind the camera, there was constant conversation (all in Spanish), laughing, smiling, and hugging . They never stopped and while we understood little, it was easy to see that they were two families brought together as one, celebrating their newest edition. Our studio was awash in their joy.
Castillo Newborn Photography, Family portrait photography by Wilkesboro NC Photographers Pixels On Paper photosCastillo Newborn Photography, Family portrait photography by Wilkesboro NC Photographers Pixels On Paper photoThere is no doubt that this little bundle will be surrounded by love every day. Her portrait session ended up including many of those who will love her and have her back for the most important moments of her life. Just look up and you can see that they all have eyes for her, are already grateful for her and making plans to celebrate, protect and cherish her. The pic of Isabelle with her big sister Jasmine snuggling her and grinning really touched us. How many stories will they share? How many late night laughs will they have? How will they lift each other up, store the others secrets and make each other better?
For the millionth time, we’re grateful for the ways we get to envision and capture families and what the word family means.
Dios bendiga a las familias que rodean unos a otros con amor. (God bless families who surround each other with love.)