Posts Tagged: creative photography

baby’s one year portrait ……. AND CAKE SMASH!!

The Prevettes are lifers with us… at least so far and we hope for the next 30 years. We photographed Lindsay and Seth Prevette’s wedding in 2008 and later their first born, daughter Macanna, as well as son Walker as a new born. This session, however, is in celebration of Walker’s first birthday, so we invited them to the Pixels’ studio and outdoor portrait garden in August of this year.

Pixels On Paper Willkesboro NC Child Portrait Photographers One Year Cake Smash PhotoPixels On Paper Willkesboro NC Child Portrait Photographers One Year Cake Smash Photo

Remember when you were so small that your parents could fit your bum into a baseball glove? He won’t either, but he’s so stinking cute and now there’s proof of it. Walker’s newborn portraits were delicious because he was and at 1 year, he still is. The love of baseball was a major theme in both sessions.
I look at the newborn photo below and those fingers especially and wonder if he’s dreaming about music and thinking, “I’m playing guitar. I’m the band’s Front Man….  making brilliant chord changes that no one saw coming.”
BUT. Walker may be scratching his chest and trying to decide between throwing a slider, a cutter or a change-up and hoping to impress some cute girl sitting in the stands just behind home plate.

Pixels On Paper Willkesboro NC Child Portrait Photographers One Year Cake Smash PhotoPixels On Paper Willkesboro NC Child Portrait Photographers One Year Cake Smash Photo

Pixels On Paper Willkesboro NC Child Portrait Photographers One Year Cake Smash Photo

Walker’s mom, Lindsey is very laid back. She makes appointments for portraits and always says “just do what you do best and I know I’ll love it.” That kind of confidence and faith is humbling, so we pull out the stops. Lindsay mentioned that she loved the red wagon because it reminded her of her own childhood, and we definitely love props with kids; they help distract and promote creativity at the same time.
Unfortunately, nostalgia about wagons and creative props do not stave off fussiness with toddlers and after Walker got tired of posing for photos, he decided to give us the “You’ve Got to Be Kidding Me” speech in his own made up language that consisted of pulling faces, tears, and some squawking.
And then [harp music] the clouds parted.
And there was cake.
Beautiful, perfect, resplendent, decadent cake.
After that I think we could have left him alone with it and he would not have missed us.

Pixels On Paper Willkesboro NC Child Portrait Photographers One Year Cake Smash PhotoPixels On Paper Willkesboro NC Child Portrait Photographers One Year Cake Smash PhotoThere were claw marks in the cake for sure, but Walker managed to limit the smearing to his cheeks, mouth, nose, chest, hands, knees, legs and feet. Success.

a mountain top wedding – filled with color, light and perfect outdoor views

Meghann and Josh know how to do it up right. Their August 2015 wedding goes down in our book of faves. Meghann told us several times that she didn’t realize everything that was going on at once or recall all of the details until she saw all of the photos we shot. That, to us, says mission accomplished. Brides and grooms plan for everything, but can’t be a part of Every Single Thing.
That’s why they hire photographers.

Boone Blowing Rock NC wedding photographers Pixels On Paper Lansing NC On The Windfall Outdoor Mountain Wedding PhotoBoone Blowing Rock NC wedding photographers Pixels On Paper Lansing NC On The Windfall Outdoor Mountain Wedding Photo

We loved the color palette of this wedding, we loved their families and friends and we loved the property – On The Windfall in Lansing, NC. This wedding, sports fans, was literally at the top of a mountain and guests were delivered to the site via designated 4 wheel drive vehicles. There were no other buildings around. The views in every direction were spectacular.
And we loved the million little thoughtful details. (Their wedding coordinator was Sammie Roberts of Something Perfect Wedding & Events and the attention to detail was unerring. Nice job!) When we meet with engaged couples, we advise them to put as many personal and significant details in their wedding ceremony as they can and these two went above and beyond. One example…. Meghann had small portraits of her late grandparents sewn into her bouquet.

Boone Blowing Rock NC wedding photographers Pixels On Paper Lansing NC On The Windfall Outdoor Mountain Wedding PhotoBoone Blowing Rock NC wedding photographers Pixels On Paper Lansing NC On The Windfall Outdoor Mountain Wedding PhotoBoone Blowing Rock NC wedding photographers Pixels On Paper Lansing NC On The Windfall Outdoor Mountain Wedding PhotoJosh’s job centers around being outdoors and he and Meghann spend their free time outside and in the woods as much as possible. So, one of Josh’s personal touches/contributions was that he built the arbor/altar where they said their vows. The mountain-top setting took everyone’s breath away and then, topping it off, was this hand-made gift Josh made for his bride. I mean, C’MON!!!
Meghann countered his personal touch by choosing to walk/dance/strut down the aisle to Bruno Mars’ “Marry You.” Josh LOVED it, and so did everyone else. The mood was already electric and this just goosed it that much more.

Boone Blowing Rock NC wedding photographers Pixels On Paper Lansing NC On The Windfall Outdoor Mountain Wedding PhotoBoone Blowing Rock NC wedding photographers Pixels On Paper Lansing NC On The Windfall Outdoor Mountain Wedding Photo

Part of their ceremony included a beautiful representation of them joining their lives and they did it in form of something that will live on and grow. The couple planted a tree together using soil that they brought from each family homestead. Like the Unity Candle or the Sand Ceremony, the blending of families in this way was beautiful and touching and incredibly apt in that setting. These two are just so cool!

Boone Blowing Rock NC wedding photographers Pixels On Paper Lansing NC On The Windfall Outdoor Mountain Wedding PhotoBoone Blowing Rock NC wedding photographers Pixels On Paper Lansing NC On The Windfall Outdoor Mountain Wedding PhotoBoone Blowing Rock NC wedding photographers Pixels On Paper Lansing NC On The Windfall Outdoor Mountain Wedding PhotoBoone Blowing Rock NC wedding photographers Pixels On Paper Lansing NC On The Windfall Outdoor Mountain Wedding PhotoBoone Blowing Rock NC wedding photographers Pixels On Paper Lansing NC On The Windfall Outdoor Mountain Wedding PhotoBoone Blowing Rock NC wedding photographers Pixels On Paper Lansing NC On The Windfall Outdoor Mountain Wedding Photo

The reception……. oooooooooh my. The sun started to fade as the toasts were made and food was served and then the karaoke got started. It was a PAR-TAY!! So much joy, so much dancing and storytelling and singing and silliness. Meghann told us that she’d cried several times while planning the ceremony and reception (the Good Cry; the “I love him and can’t wait to be his wife” cry) and was certain she would “be a mess.” But she said afterwards, “I can honestly say that no tears were shed that day…which is surprising. When we look at our pictures, we are laughing in so many of them – and not just with each other – it’s during every phase of the day. Mostly, I remember laughing when we read our vows. Some of it could have been nerves, but for the most part, it was hearing that we had chosen some of the very same things to say to each other without even knowing.”Boone Blowing Rock NC wedding photographers Pixels On Paper Lansing NC On The Windfall Outdoor Mountain Wedding PhotoBoone Blowing Rock NC wedding photographers Pixels On Paper Lansing NC On The Windfall Outdoor Mountain Wedding PhotoBoone Blowing Rock NC wedding photographers Pixels On Paper Lansing NC On The Windfall Outdoor Mountain Wedding Photo

We want to end this blog with quotes directly from the bride and groom about their day and their feelings about life ahead. We asked them the 3 things they want to remember about their wedding day and here’s what they said:
1 – The biggest thing I want to remember is a lesson:  Above all else, we have each other and everything is okay.
2 – Life is easier and you can relax when you put things “in your garden”.  Minor details never matter!  Smile, breathe, and LAUGH!
3 – Everybody around us worked SO hard to pull this off … doing things behind the scenes that I didn’t even know about.  Always remember to love and appreciate everything that everyone has done for you.  It may not look like a lot, but for every little bit you see, there is a lot of deep rooted effort.

Summer Rooftop Wedding in Center City Charlotte

Pixels On Paper Photography Charlotte NC Wedding photography photoPixels On Paper Photography Charlotte NC Wedding photography photoPixels On Paper Photography Charlotte NC Wedding photography photoSummer is done, at least by the calendar, but we never tire of celebrating a summer event and Sherea Jones and David Johnson’s wedding was absolutely awash in summer light. They were married on the rooftop of the Holiday Inn at Center City, Charlotte on a beautiful day in June. This teacher & head football coach and his gorgeous girl gathered along with their dearest family and friends – most from out of town – to celebrate a union, tell stories and dance.
We shot their engagement photos in March of 2014, so seeing them again and watching them seal the deal surrounded by so much love was immensely satisfying.
Pixels On Paper Photography Charlotte NC Wedding photography photoPixels On Paper Photography Charlotte NC Wedding photography photoPixels On Paper Photography Charlotte NC Wedding photography photoPixels On Paper Photography Charlotte NC Wedding photography photo We’re always interested in high points from the day, naturally, and the best memories from their point of view. They told us that included in their favorites were seeing each other for the first time, dancing with friends and family (and THEY ALL DID; it was party people!!), how gorgeous the food looked and how yummy it tasted, the weather and the overall sense of happiness everyone shared. Sherea and David also shared that one of their biggest laughs came when they were discussing all the things that COULD have gone wrong, but didn’t.
Pixels On Paper Photography Charlotte NC Wedding photography photoPixels On Paper Photography Charlotte NC Wedding photography photoPixels On Paper Photography Charlotte NC Wedding photography photoPixels On Paper Photography Charlotte NC Wedding photography photoTheir day was amazing and we loved being a part of it! We have more summer wedding stories and events to share, but this continuum from engagement to the day itself was a blast!

conner tevepaugh – a summer peach turns 6 months and works the orchard with zeal

While it’s almost officially the end of summer (like it or love it), we took Conner Tevepaugh’s 6 month portraits in July of this year at his family’s orchard. [For those who follow this blog closely, and we hope you all are!!], Conner’s newborn pictures were captured at our outdoor studio in Wilkesboro, NC. This time, since it was in the height of the picking season, we went to them at Tevepaugh Orchards. All of the Tevepaugh kids and grandkids have been photographed as babies and toddlers in those wooden gathering crates along with apples or peaches and their photos hang in the family’s orchard house. The basin Conner’s in just below was one used by his great-grandmother to hold fruit that were being peeled for canning or cooking. Family members vividly remember her using it frequently. Pretty sure she would love to know that her family is still using this heirloom in photos of the next generation. Connor certainly cutes it up!
Pixels On Paper family and child portrait photographers six month child photo

Conner Tevepaugh Six Month Photography by Pixels On Paper Portrait Photography

On the left: possible peach thief. On the right: busted for stealing. “It’s ok…. I’ll just sit here and look cute.”

As with all newborn to 6 month, or 6 month to 1 year sessions with babies, the change in them is subtle but still recognizable. Connor, our little “backdraft baby” was tucked into his father’s fireman’s helmet and gear as a newborn (and in a basket of apples just below). This time around, he was hitched to his grand-dad, Armit.
Because this session took place in their orchard, Armit was keen to participate and had lots of ideas and props and energy. Everything was perfectly ripe and sweet (the color of those peaches was not enhanced, by the way, and the smell of ripe fruit was heavenly). Conner was game to be placed in baskets and all over the orchard.
Conner Tevepaugh Newborn Photography by Pixels On Paper Portrait Photography photo

Pixels On Paper family and child portrait photographers six month child photoPixels On Paper family and child portrait photographers six month child photo

That July harvest time kept everyone in the family busy working day after day on a multitude of tasks and while Connor isn’t walking, much less “pulling his weight” just yet – he was interested in sampling the goods and being a part of the mix. Just as the photos of the kids in the Tevepauch orchard house are treasures for their parents and grandparents, these photos will be priceless for Connor and his family someday. And he can show the basin and the crates, maybe even walk the land with his own kids and talk about how fun it was to be a kid among all of that beauty and deliciousness.

Conner Tevepaugh Six Month Photography by Pixels On Paper Portrait Photography photo

Conner Tevepaugh Six Month Photography by Pixels On Paper Portrait Photography photo

“I just want to go on record to say that this finger is not nearly as tasty as that peach I was slurping on earlier.”


mountaintop bridal portraits ~ family participation, heirlooms and views of the family farm ~ a beautiful day

The photos of Meghann Roberts we took  this July weren’t necessarily inspired by Keira Knightley’s famous shot as Elizabeth Bennet from the 2005 movie Pride and Prejudice, but this one in particular pulls it into perspective. When viewed next to each other there is more than just flowing fabric and a gorgeous, panoramic setting. It’s an air of freedom, hope, grace, contemplation and courageousness in both women.

Clawson Wedding, Meghann Roberts Bridal Portrait Photo

The character Elizabeth Bennet loved the outdoors. She walked, read, thought, day-dreamed, escaped and generally lived a big part of her life wandering the small working farm owned by her family.
We photographed Meghann Roberts in Warrensville, NC – in, around and above her family farm. Their land is stunning, sprawling and has been owned and worked by her family for 6 generations. It was the perfect setting for her bridal portraits.
When we arrived for the shoot, we were greeted, of course, by ready members of her warm family (mom, grandmother, brother, uncle, cousin and a friend) and we all piled into 2 enormous 4×4 trucks and took off. This turned out to be a blessing, because we had lots of gear, lots of options and lots of terrain to cover.

Pixels On Paper NC Mouintain Photographers Warrensville Bride Bridal Portrait PhotoPixels On Paper NC Mouintain Photographers Warrensville Bride Bridal Portrait Photo

A beautiful bride-to-be and almost too many places to photograph her, created a perfect day! (dramatic aside: this number of family members made for great chatter, but there was also the practical need to have a couple of people hold up Meghann’s gown so that it didn’t touch cow or goose poop on the land. If you’ve seen Pride and Prejudice, you know that Elizabeth’s boots and hemline were always caked in mud and …… dung!)
A week before our scheduled date, Meghann’s brother cleared a trail for us so that we could get to the most desired spots. One of these was the swimming hole (behind her just above and below) where Meghann spent summers splashing around, fishing, sunning and day-dreaming.

Clawson Wedding, Meghann Roberts Bridal Portrait Photo

Pixels On Paper NC Mouintain Photographers Warrensville Bride Bridal Portrait PhotoPixels On Paper NC Mouintain Photographers Warrensville Bride Bridal Portrait Photo

When we met Meghann at a bridal show 2 years ago, we immediately connected with her. Her values are our values and many of her experiences resonated with ours. When she called us to photograph her wedding, we learned that she hadn’t bonded with other photographers she’d spoken with and we certainly understand that. No one is necessarily at fault when this happens, but for us, fit and a strong comfort level and “getting” each other makes an enormous difference; at least that’s our feeling. The whole experience is more fun and the outcome produced tends to exceed client expectations.
A final note: The Roberts family prepared the property for us – not a small task. They fetched us and our equipment in their vehicles and hauled us around to get the best shots of their girl. These are family-oriented, do it right or don’t bother kind of people. So in keeping with that ethic, the bouquet they had for Meghann’s session was not prepared by a florist. It was Meghann’s mom’s preserved bouquet from HER wedding. Nice, huh?

Pixels On Paper NC Mouintain Photographers Warrensville Bride Bridal Portrait Photo