Eldridge and Wood Families
We have officially been photographing Stacy Eldridge, her five boys, extended family, and adopted family for a decade. Stacy and her boyfriend Michael have a blended tribe, but Stacy is the force and the anchor. She has help, but this tough lady is the tip of the spear.
We photographed the family first in 2010, again in 2014 and even more recently as these boys were turning into men.
These images were taken at the family farm where we’ve photographed them before, for senior portraits and family shots.
On this day, Michael’s son Rusty and bride McKenzie also joined us. The couple have been married for just a year and we captured images of them separately as well so look for a blog about them in the coming weeks.
Above are images of Stacy’s five boys, 10 years apart. I remember Ryan laying on his back to get the first one in 2010 … all of those cute faces. These guys’ personalities have stayed the same, but they’ve grown up so very much too. At this age, with teenagers and beyond, there is still teasing and rough housing and crude joke telling, but their bond is strong and I see that as one of Stacy’s big triumphs.
Above are Stacy and Michael with Miss P and Aaryn, who they are helping raise. Below are Rusty and McKensie who just celebrated their first anniversary as husband and wife.
Stacy and I have really gotten to know each other over the last 10 years, but my first memory of her is as this seriously amazing single mother of 5 boys. To this day, she never stops. She also works on a chicken farm and is a full-time nurse while raising a family. She and Michael are also helping raise two little girls, Paisley – or Miss P – and Aaryn, whose newborn portraits we shot recently. Stacy has such bandwidth for helping, for encouragement, for no nonsense and for care. The woman is remarkable and I am so proud to know her.
We love family portraits whether they are set in the studio, the great outdoors, a specific location like the mountains or high country, or on our property in our outdoor portrait garden. Pixels on Paper photographs, engagements and weddings, brides, and special events and portraits of all kinds in our Wilkesboro, NC studio. We would be honored to meet with you, learn about you and your family and be a part of taking special portraits that will become, we hope, family heirlooms.

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