The Beauty of Twos
I’m happy with odd numbers, including our little family of three. But there is something nearly perfect about a duo…. a couple…. a pair. With Valentine’s Day approaching, I’ve been thinking about the beauty of two and finding little couplets everywhere. So here’s a little foray into the beauty of twosomes!
A parent and kid – even when the family is much bigger – make a moment for me. As a mom of one child, I get to pour out a great deal of myself into my time with Finley. I love images of one parent focused solely on that one face. It’s proof that no matter how many times you’ve been blessed with a kid, each one is singular and a miracle.
Images of siblings just warm me up, especially when the kids are younger. They don’t know yet who they are, but they are certain to know – in these moments – that they have each other. And isn’t that enough?
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