Graphic Design fun
We’ve grown Pixels’ portfolio of offerings as we’ve continued to calibrate our lives over the last few years. We’ve shaped our lives, as you all have, to new normals and even newer normals, all while we try to rear a toddler, adjust our time management techniques and add new skill sets.
As you all know, Ryan is our graphic designer – as well as my husband, baby-daddy, and wonderful photographer. Recently, he’s been updating some design applications for existing graphic design clients and adding dynamism to the designs he’s created already.
A year ago, he worked on a project for our client in Asheville at the Words Communications by rebranding her business with a new logo treatment. Most recently, he added several animated gif concepts.
Several years ago, Ryan developed a branding logo for Fionix Consulting that they loved, and recently added an animated gif to their graphic design and branding mix.
I love sharing these new additions to our services at Pixels. We are professionals who capture milestones and create heirlooms, but we are also hungry creative types, always looking for ways to help our corporate, entrepreneurial and commercial clients. To see more of what Pixels can provide in the graphic designer department, check out our website and that category in our blogs.
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