Posts in Category: Families

family fall portraits – book your appointment today!

Albert Camus wrote, “Autumn is a second spring, when every leaf is a flower.”
[here is some space where you can ponder that wistfully….                                                                               ]

In North Carolina, particularly during the fall, it’s hard to take a bad photo outdoors. Everyone says it about their home state, but it’s true for us. NC is take-your-breath-away beautiful this time of year. Just ask the Chambers of Commerce and many tourist-based businesses.
At Pixels, we pride ourselves on taking photos that are well-composed and that capture the life in our subjects, both human and in mother nature. But Camus really nailed it. With every turn of your head, there is another angle of beauty, another bit of God’s magic on display. True to form, when we scheduled a family shoot last October off the Blue Ridge Parkway, this was the case. It was gorgeous out. Pixels On Paper NC Mountain Fall Outdoor Family Portrait Photographers photoThe idea for this shoot was to get pictures of Kristy Parker, her sister Lorri and their respective college-aged “babies” to give as Christmas presents for their parents. So on the weekend of an Appalachian State University football game, the sisters drove from Raleigh to Boone to meet up with us.
These guys are a happy bunch and in the crisp air, under a blue sky, they were excited to see each other, goofing and chatting between shots. Kristy confided that this would be the first picture of her with Lorri since they were children and of all of them together in many years.
Pixels On Paper NC Mountain Fall Outdoor Family Portrait Photographers photoPixels On Paper NC Mountain Fall Outdoor Family Portrait Photographers photoPixels On Paper NC Mountain Fall Outdoor Family Portrait Photographers photo

Outdoor portraits can be especially striking and memorable. And of course you get the pictures of the experience – proof that you were there!!! – to share and laugh about later.
We’re scheduling autumn sessions now and encourage you to book yours ASAP. Weekends fill up quickly and we want to make sure that we can accommodate everyone before all the leaves are brown and the sky is grey (name that tune).
Call us at 704.641.1131 or 336.990.0080 and we’ll get it on the books. 

Pixels On Paper NC Mountain Fall Outdoor Family Portrait Photographers photo

piccard fall family portraits – goodbye summer, helloooooooo autumn

McCoy/Piccard Fall Family Portraits photo

Some of us mourn when it starts creeping toward us.
“Wait, what? We just got settled in and then it was the 4th of July and now you’re telling me to change out my closet and garage?!?!” “I barely used that new floaty, those new grill tongs, that umbrella for the deck, that swimsuit and visor I got for Christmas!” “We were going to go to the beach twice!” “We were going to cook out more with the neighbors.”
Others of us crave it … we anticipate it, rubbing our hands together like we’re practicing for that first bonfire.
But like it or not, summer is rounding the corner y’all; it’s time for Autumn – capital A Autumn. Since we’re making yet another trip around the sun, and summer will return, let’s focus on the good of this coming season – the gorgeous leaves, brisk mornings, fire wood, scarves, heated car seats, football, soups and stews and snuggling with those we love.
And seriously – NO ONE wants to snuggle someone in a sweaty tank top. And if you do, no judgement, but we don’t want to hear about it.

The Piccards were ALL about the snuggling in October of 2014 when we met up and photographed them along the Blue Ridge Parkway. It started raining when we arrived, but the delay gave us time to grab lunch and bond and when the weather cleared, we were able to grab shots of this family of 4 with wet leaves beneath them and mountain fog surrounding them.

McCoy/Piccard Fall Family portraits photos

We’ve got spirit, yes we do, and boots and blue nails, HOW ‘BOUT YOU?

Pixels On Paper NC Mountain Fall Outdoor Family Portrait Photographers photo

We’ve know mom, Brandii McCoy for many years, since we’ve worked with many Charlotte, NC sports teams and Brandii is the dance and cheer coach for the Charlotte Checkers, the former NBA Bobcats, and now the Charlotte Hornets. She’s used to being in front of the camera, so we knew we’d get great shots of her and her lovely family looking pulled together. We also wanted photos of them just being themselves, relaxed and silly and goofing. During conversations, we learned that Brandii and her husband had never had formal portraits of themselves taken, so this session and our lunch with them made for a lot of fun for all of us.
The girls, Karsen and Adler, knew how to work it, by the way. Check out the crossed legs and ankles, the subtle head tilting and, of course, there was the unscripted cuteness. Pixels On Paper NC Mountain Fall Outdoor Family Portrait Photographers photo

Pixels On Paper NC Mountain Fall Outdoor Family Portrait Photographers photoPixels On Paper NC Mountain Fall Outdoor Family Portrait Photographers photoWe look forward to many Autumn shoots in 2015 and now is the time to book your fall portrait session. Pixels has openings, but they fill up quickly, especially the weekends. We’ll want to capture the best pics of you (and yours) during the height of the season. Call us at 704.641.1131 or 336.990.0080 and let’s make a plan!!

conner tevepaugh – a summer peach turns 6 months and works the orchard with zeal

While it’s almost officially the end of summer (like it or love it), we took Conner Tevepaugh’s 6 month portraits in July of this year at his family’s orchard. [For those who follow this blog closely, and we hope you all are!!], Conner’s newborn pictures were captured at our outdoor studio in Wilkesboro, NC. This time, since it was in the height of the picking season, we went to them at Tevepaugh Orchards. All of the Tevepaugh kids and grandkids have been photographed as babies and toddlers in those wooden gathering crates along with apples or peaches and their photos hang in the family’s orchard house. The basin Conner’s in just below was one used by his great-grandmother to hold fruit that were being peeled for canning or cooking. Family members vividly remember her using it frequently. Pretty sure she would love to know that her family is still using this heirloom in photos of the next generation. Connor certainly cutes it up!
Pixels On Paper family and child portrait photographers six month child photo

Conner Tevepaugh Six Month Photography by Pixels On Paper Portrait Photography

On the left: possible peach thief. On the right: busted for stealing. “It’s ok…. I’ll just sit here and look cute.”

As with all newborn to 6 month, or 6 month to 1 year sessions with babies, the change in them is subtle but still recognizable. Connor, our little “backdraft baby” was tucked into his father’s fireman’s helmet and gear as a newborn (and in a basket of apples just below). This time around, he was hitched to his grand-dad, Armit.
Because this session took place in their orchard, Armit was keen to participate and had lots of ideas and props and energy. Everything was perfectly ripe and sweet (the color of those peaches was not enhanced, by the way, and the smell of ripe fruit was heavenly). Conner was game to be placed in baskets and all over the orchard.
Conner Tevepaugh Newborn Photography by Pixels On Paper Portrait Photography photo

Pixels On Paper family and child portrait photographers six month child photoPixels On Paper family and child portrait photographers six month child photo

That July harvest time kept everyone in the family busy working day after day on a multitude of tasks and while Connor isn’t walking, much less “pulling his weight” just yet – he was interested in sampling the goods and being a part of the mix. Just as the photos of the kids in the Tevepauch orchard house are treasures for their parents and grandparents, these photos will be priceless for Connor and his family someday. And he can show the basin and the crates, maybe even walk the land with his own kids and talk about how fun it was to be a kid among all of that beauty and deliciousness.

Conner Tevepaugh Six Month Photography by Pixels On Paper Portrait Photography photo

Conner Tevepaugh Six Month Photography by Pixels On Paper Portrait Photography photo

“I just want to go on record to say that this finger is not nearly as tasty as that peach I was slurping on earlier.”


Basket of joy – brock rollins – newborn and 6 month photos with the family!

Becky and Jackson Rollins were wedding clients of ours and we took their newborn son, Brock’s first professional portraits, so when it was time for his 6 month portraits session, the family – including their beloved Weimaraner, Shelby, made the trip from SC to our indoor and outdoor studios in Wilkesboro, NC. It’s always so interesting (and entertaining) to see how infants have changed in only a few months and baby Brock was no exception. Maybe it’s the bow tie, hard to say really, but he looked like a little man compared to teeny creature we first met in late 2014. The child on the left looks like he’s hanging on for dear life until his next nap and the boy on the right looks like the maitre d at one of Brooklyn’s finest Italian restaurants. For you – the cannoli are on the house!”

Brock's 6 month baby photography, pixels on paper studio family portrait photography photoBrock's 6 month baby photography, pixels on paper studio family portrait photography photo

Brock's 6 month baby photography, pixels on paper studio family portrait photography photoBrock's 6 month baby photography, pixels on paper studio family portrait photography photoBecky, like several of our client moms, always brings great outfits for Brock and at this session, the little dude was dapper. In fact the whole family was coordinated and they are such a handsome group, photographing them was the best. Brock was animated, the dog stood still, the weather was perfect and the laughter was constant.
The Rollins’ also love black and white photos, and display them prominently throughout their home, so we take time to make sure that there are images that translate well to black and white for them. We’re thrilled that our portraits are not just given away and stored in albums but prominently hung.
We’re looking forward to seeing this family again soon, with their pup in tow!

engagement photos from a first date …… sorta

Last October, Pixels participated in the Pumpkin Patch (I’ll pause here so you can wipe the spittle off of your face). The Pumpkin Patch was designed and hosted by the Midtown Garden Market in North Wilkesboro, NC and we loved being a part of its inaugural year. At our photo booth, we were able to see former and current clients and met new ones. Jamie Goforth and Daniel Harrison were two new people we met and we took a pic of them that included Daniel’s young son. We loved them immediately! 5 months later, we saw them again at the Wilkes Wedding Expo and after chatting, it sealed our desire to work with them and them with us to capture their engagement photos.
Pixels on Paper's Pumpkin Patch sessions reveal a new couple photo

Jamie and Daniel met in middle school, but found each other again many years later. Their first date was fueled by nerves that led to Jamie spilling a drink (a story they now tell through laughter) and they reminded us of us. [QUICK DIGRESSION: When Ryan and I first started dating, we went to The Landmark – still our favorite diner in Charlotte, NC –  and the ketchup bottle exploded as I was doctoring my fries and I basically baptized myself with ketchup. You never know when a moment of mortification is going to be a story for your grandkids. Take that to heart, gang!]
Anyway, …. after that first date, there was a time of chasing and distance and then their paths crossed and they decided to go out again. What truly cemented it though was a trip to Asheville, NC and where they stayed at the famous Grove Park Inn.
At Grove Park, it was Daniel’s turn to spill a drink all over himself, Jamie, the waiter and the people next to them. Just kidding.
This is where they fell in looooove.
They sat out on that awesome porch, nay, veranda and Jamie played songs from her phone and they talked well into the night. At one point, they started dancing and it began to pour rain. Jamie said, “it was my kind of perfect.”
Shooting their engagement portraits where they had their first date – The Cody Creek Depot – was a blast.
Goforth/Harrison Pixels On Paper Photography Engagement portrait photography photoGoforth/Harrison Pixels On Paper Photography Engagement portrait photography photoGoforth/Harrison Pixels On Paper Photography Engagement portrait photography photoWhen we asked them what they were looking forward to most on their wedding day (in Roaring Gap, NC in October of this year) they – these two are seriously cute – both said first seeing each other when Jamie comes down the aisle.

Goforth/Harrison Pixels On Paper Photography Engagement portrait photography photoGoforth/Harrison Pixels On Paper Photography Engagement portrait photography photoGrounded by their faith, their supportive families and each other, the pair has way more than a good shot at a golden anniversary someday.
In the meantime, they are dreaming about their next trip to the Grove Park Inn.