Not much has changed with Mr. Isaiah. You’ll recall that when last we saw him, he was handling cases for the law firm of Cute, Bright and Smoochable. He’s transitioned to bow ties from his usual Windsor knotted silks, but his focus has not changed: he will seek justice for you and is nearly perfect in his ability to be delicious.
Gazing into the future! Ready to fight crime and change lives… maybe.
Now, with that PSA out of the way, let’s get closer to the truth. We love this family.
We captured their engagement and wedding photos, Isaiah’s six month pics and now his first birthday. This kid rocks the ties and he should keep wearing them.
We had a bunch of balloons in the studio left over from another session, and when I saw what he was wearing and that we were celebrating his first birthday, I thought they would make a perfect addition to the scene. Little did I know, Isiah had never gotten to hold a balloon before.
The look on his face when he was squeezing it was hilarious. It makes you wonder if the next moment it would POP and leave him scared and in fury of tears. Fortunately that was not the case. Instead he just grunted and laughed.
It’s the most wonderful time of the year ….. to check stuff off of your never-ending To Do List.
Believe me, we get it. We run a business, we’re married, we have family we want to plan holidays around, we have hobbies and community work we care about and suddenly October has moved to Thanksgiving. December feels essentially like being shot out of cannon. This task, however, this SUPER easy item you’ll check off, is valuable. It lasts. It’s time to book your portrait with us at our festive and festooned studio.
Call us, set a date, choose your favorite holiday clothes, show up and we’ll make you look and feel like celebrating.
The details: For only $100, we will provide 5 digital images for families with up to 3 children. This includes the printing rights along with the option to purchase prints, cards, and gifts. Pets and additional children or family members are welcome for an additional $25.
Our fee is due when you make your reservation.
The Pixels’ studio is located at 1198 Curtis Bridge Rd. Wilkesboro NC 28697.
Call 336-990-0080 to reserve or email inquiries to
More examples of portraits!
We spend all year thinking about this season and what to do with our studio. For 2015, we’ve moved from the classic red and green to silver, gold, winter white, natural green and then we’ve added rustic elements like wood and pine cones, gilded frames, mountain themes and the baubles and sheen that are more urban and chic. We cannot wait to create portraits of you and your family – this includes friends who are much family to you as your relatives – your babies, kids and even your pets.
We will also be scheduling FREE CHRISTMAS PET PORTRAITS for 2015. The last time we did this was in 2012 and it’s time, gang. We’re planning on Saturday, December 12. Bring your pet and a 20 lb. bag of food. More details to come.
Questions? Call 336-990-0080 to reserve or email inquiries to
Thanksgiving will be here, it’s true, but Pixels is booking Christmas portraits NOW, so you bess get on it. We wanna see you guys!!
Here’s the skinny: Beginning Saturday, November 14th, we’ll be shooting portraits in our decked out studio. For only $100, we will provide 5 digital images for families with up to 3 children. This includes the printing rights along with the option to purchase prints, cards, and gifts. Pets and additional children or family members are welcome for an additional $25.
Need ideas for your portraits? We’ve got plenty of ’em, but here are a few off the top: use as part of a 2016 calendar, frame one or two (or 5) to give as gifts, put the best one on a mug, use as your Christmas card photo, start a wall gallery in your home, decoupage your favorite onto an ornament, have a holiday cake made with the photo embedded in the icing….
Our fee is due when you make your reservation.
Pixels’ studio is located at 1198 Curtis Bridge Rd. Wilkesboro NC 28697.
Call 336-990-0080 to reserve or email inquiries to
Perhaps you’ve noticed that the anticipation and celebration range for holidays has gotten longer, while the holidays themselves are the same. (Please say “yes” or we’re going to have to worry about you.)
Halloween: one day. Preparation begins just after Labor Day.
Thanksgiving: one day … with Black Friday and Cyber Monday hovering like an avalanche of “door buster” circulars. Preparation begins the day after Halloween.
Christmas: one day. Preparation begins the 4th of July. Kidding, but you get the idea.
Well, it’s the first week of November and there are cards to create and gifts to buy and we want to gently tap your shoulder and tell you that it’s probably time to book your session with us. We love the holidays and we want them to be special. Our 2015 studio is ready to go for portraits of families, couples, groups of friends, your babies or kiddos in primary school or those home from college, fur babies or all of the above. We believe in the abundance theory, so the more the merrier.
We gear up for Spring and the end of the school year, especially if we’re parents, along with prom preparation, graduation, spring cleaning and shedding the winter stuff. Then we gear up for Summer — vacations, travel, summer camps, weddings and family reunions. And now fall is licking at our heels and this means a lovely, but limited, time for outdoor portraits with our sweethearts, our children, family and friends. It marks the seasonal change when the sleeveless clothes are put up – like the last of summer fruits and veggies into cans – and we prepare for the turn from warmth outside to fires inside.
At Pixels, we love all the seasons (or we’d live in Santa Barbara, CA …. no offense to you all out there, by the way), but fall has a different light in it and in North Carolina, it always surprises us. Whether our dear clients come to our outdoor studio in Wilkesboro, meet us on a greenway or at a park in Charlotte, in Boone near ASU, in the Asheville mountains or anywhere along the spectacular Blue Ridge Parkway, the light is different each time, just like our subjects. It’s all new again.
We anticipate that the peek color in the mountains will be October 6-18th (that’s 2 weeks and then some) and closer to the end of October will be perfect for our fans and clients in and around the Charlotte area. We have props we can include and encourage you to bring anything that makes you think of fall with family.
Photos like these make great albums, calendars (the holidays are coming!), and gifts. Schedule your date with us as soon as you can. We look forward to seeing you and photographing you in mother nature! Contact us online or call 704.641.1131 or 336-990-0080.