Mothers, Fathers, Couples, Babies, Children, Siblings, Grandmothers, Grandfathers, Cousins, Aunts and Uncles.
Mommy, Daddy, Gramma, Grampa, Mamaw, Papaw, Gigi, Nona, PopPop, Nana, Sissy, Bubba, Bro, and on and on the names and terms of endearment go. There are as many descriptors and tags for us as there are types of people. And it’s trite, but you know where I’m headed with this…… they all make up Family. I recently heard someone say that we don’t wake up each day thinking, “this day will be filled with drama,” and the next, “this day is going to be fun and filled with comedy.” I believe this. It’s always all of it – replete. The same is true of families. Looking through the buckets and buckets of family photos Pixels has taken over the years brings into sharp relief how much we love taking family portraits and just how many versions of “Family” there are….too many to count and each one miraculous. What’s below barely scratches the surface.
We are currently booking portrait sessions in our favorite orchard, but you need to book yours ASAP. We cannot wait to see you!
We love family portraits whether they are set in the studio, the great outdoors, a specific location like the mountains or high country, or on our property in our outdoor portrait garden.Pixels on Paper photographs babies and kids, engagements and weddings, brides and special events and portraits of all kinds in our Wilkesboro, NC studio. We would be honored to meet with you, learn about you and your family and be a part of taking special portraits that will become, we hope, family heirlooms.
The Polands have 4 kids, fourteen grandkids, 2 dogs, a donkey and 2 horses. LARGE. They are spread out all over the country so capturing these photos was a one day thing and everyone in the family, pets and all, were there.We met James and Judy one night while dining outside at The New Public House in Blowing Rock and liked them immediately. We spent hours on the porch that evening sharing stories, drinking wine and enjoying each other’s company. They told us about their large family made up of their kids and grandkids and their farm just outside of Boone. The various members of the clan rarely see each other. One son is in the military and often deployed. Another son lives in Florida. The family is made up of several blended families and the only time in years that they would all be together in the same place and at the same time was a single day in between the holidays. Judy really wanted a family portrait. Who could blame her? One woman, her husband and in a mere few decades…… a cast of thousands!
In only a couple of weeks, Judy called us and gave us the ONE DAY and we were off. We love this shot of Judy and James surrounded by their fourteen grand “babies.” We found a perfect spot on their farm and all of the colorful clothes the kids wore made it work. 9 girls and 5 boys…… LORDY!! And they were so cute and funny with loads of energy.
We love family portraits whether they are set in the studio, the great outdoors, a specific location like the mountains or high country, or on our property in our outdoor portrait garden.
Pixels on Paper photographs babies and kids, engagements and weddings, brides and special events and portraits of all kinds in our Wilkesboro, NC studio. We would be honored to meet with you, learn about you and your family and be a part of taking special portraits that will become, we hope, family heirlooms.
An advantage to being a husband and wife team is that Ryan really steps in when husbands, fathers, grooms – GUYS – are resistant to having their photos taken, for whatever reason. He’s got the gift in these situations and can make men feel more comfortable and confident with a man-to-man perspective. Dad Will Allen pretty much proclaimed that he was horrible in photos and how he was no match for his beautiful wife Danielle and daughter Danica. Danielle had even warned me during our planning that Will didn’t like having his photo taken.
But then these happened.
Father and daughter and a sweet little snow princess!
The Sweet, Sweet Allen Family
Gorgeous mom and her girl.
The Allens drove down from their home just outside of Washington, DC to Chetola Resort in Blowing Rock for a winter break and booked this session. Mom Danielle understands the importance of having family portraits taken annually and often arranges to have them made during their travels and vacations. When they knew they would be coming this way, she contacted us about a month in advance to arrange for their session while staying at Chetola.
There’s a Christmas Card!
The moment we knew Will was comfortable both with us and in front of our camera was near the end of our time together, but we loved grabbing all of these shots while he adjusted to the experience! [Side note: at the end of the session, in this beautiful backdrop, Will suggested that we take a photo of him for an updated profile pic and headshot!] Never underestimate the power of making people feel at ease.
Interested in outdoor portraits or family portraits, or both, regardless of season? Get in touch with us and let’s start figuring out next steps. Call (336) 990-0080 or email us:
This family means a lot to us.
Kim Hatfield is the owner of Waggles Pet Supply. You may recall that we provided portraits for pet food and donated along with Waggles to the Wilkes Animal Shelter. We collaborate with her and her business on so many great causes and we simply adore her and her family as humans. But the best gift, the biggest compliment is that we get to photograph her family. Kim and Terry have a precious daughter, Rayne.
We photographed Rayne’s newborn session and she’s only gotten more cute and more animated. She grins with her mouth open like she’s in the middle of a sentence or a funny thought. It’s hilarious to watch. Kim and Terry’s one request for this session was that we include mountains as a backdrop, which is not a tall order. We’d been eyeing this location along the Blue Ridge Parkway for months, but had never photographed there before. Pretty lighting, great views and a spectacular sunset! We love the outcome.
We know we’ve said this, but we’re outdoorsy so we’re saying it again. We live in a beautiful place. North Carolina, particularly our mountains and valleys, will stop you in your tracks. And it’s not just the mountain views, it’s the details of rock and moss, sky and grass. This family stood out in their bright clothes in every setting we placed them in.
Doesn’t Rayne look like she’s going to grow up to be a great chat? The woman you’re going to want to sit next to on a flight from Toronto to Dallas? She’s a charmer and people are attracted to her every expression. Even butterflies have attached themselves to her shoes…. oh wait. Nevermind.
A fun aside: At Pixels on Paper’s 10 year anniversary, the Hatfield family attended of course and Rayne was the star of the day. She was wearing the most adorable outfit, everyone wanted to hold her and she wanted to be hitched to the hip of the funnest and snuggliest among the partygoers. Those dancing were at the top of her list since she could bounce to the rhythm on the dance floor. Our dear pal, photographer Michael Anderson, of Michael A. Anderson Photography, captured the shot below of her.
I wanted to end with the shot below, mostly because Rayne looks like she’s just blown a kiss and is saying “That’s All Folks!” Watching her grow up is going to be the biggest treat. Kim, Terry and Rayne: WE LOVE YOU!!!!
So much can be translated through a simple black and white photograph. There’s something about them that conveys more with less.
We love photographing in color and black and white depending on the setting, the subjects, the mood and desired results. We didn’t take every single image during this shoot in black and white, but my favorites just happen to be those. When you take away the color, there isn’t less life, there is actually more. The distractions are removed and you have a more documentary feel, more emotion. Your eyes go to the subject, place and story. And because most of us have family photos in black and white of grandparents, there is something universal and timeless about the look.
We joined parents Anita and Mitch, big brother Rohan and grandfather Bhushan at their home in Boone, NC for an intimate family photo session to celebrate their newest member, Anya. She landed in warm arms, surrounded by those waiting for and excited by her.
In-home sessions are less about posed photography and more about capturing a family’s lifestyle. Images tend to be candid moments shared in the home during daily life and interactions with each other. I try to focus on emotion and finding moments of connection. Babies, newborns especially, are sort of mesmerizing because they’re so new. The world was one place and then – BOOM – it changed with a new member of the human race. Molecularly, chemically, socially, emotionally, naturally – the planet shifted.
I loved watching the way Mitch held Anya in his lap and talked through her crying and comforting her. Daddy love is real. Another sweet moment was when mom Anita held Anya and softly explained to Rohan why he needed to be gentle with his little sister. Rohan gently explored Anya’s fingers and toes while she was in his lap and locked eyes with her when she was wide awake and taking in her new world. The entire family gathered together on the couch and read a book together (mostly in an effort to get Rohan to sit still long enough for a family photo). It was so beautiful and simple that the black and white just seemed to capture the day.
We don’t do too many in-home newborn sessions because there is no control over the environment, what natural light is available vs. the lighting we can transport, backdrops and props, temperature, etc. But I bend to families in situations such as a C-section or tough schedules or when a baby’s health prevents them from coming to me. I’m more than happy in those cases to go to them. While I let parents know that I may not be able to capture what I can create in the studio, it’s a fun challenge and often the elements of home and comfort shine through. This was true of the Parry family and sweet, sweet Anya. We look forward to watching her grow up.