Barn Building in Ferguson
I love so many things about my family and some days, when making mental lists and observations, I can get a good cry going just with gratitude. But I don’t have time for tears these days. We are building a barn, and that leads me to the thing I love about my family right now: none of us is afraid of hard work.

A few months ago, we all put in a hard three days getting a start on this pole barn on my parents’ property. They breed and raise Charolais cattle and after building a new fence around this space on their acreage, it was time to put in a barn for storing vehicles and hay for the cattle. We worked another 3 long days recently to complete the next stages and it was a family affair. We shared some photos of our initial ground breaking work in a previous post here.
Finley J. Farm
This bit of the property is named after their grandchild – our son – Finley. Crazily enough it was almost exactly this time last year that we built the fence. My parents, plus my brother in-law Stephen, Ryan, Finley and I, have all thrown our weight into this project, just as we did with the fence. WHY we cannot find a cooler time to do this work should be the subject of a blog! We have been sweating, you guys, but it’s worth it. Not only is this an important project for the farm, but the memories we’ve been making are priceless.

My job was to learn to use – and then fully operate – the telehandler. Not only did I do it, with the help of my favorite sidekick, I got pretty good. Finley was having an absolute ball and was so proud of his mama. I too had a blast helping us move things along. The place is named after him, after all and he’ll always know that we each did our part to see it come to life.

Because there are so many moving parts and there is an order of operations to building a barn that will last, it took every hand we had. My father spent time up a ladder; my mom and I had Ryan and Stephen lifted up for the high work. We just moved through each step and saw progress.
Mini Down Time
I say, “mini” because we took only a few breaks, being weekend warriors and all. And mini, of course because of Finley. Watching him interact with farm life gives ME new life. I love seeing the world – and remembering things I’d forgotten – through his eyes.

This little McGoo is living his best life; I don’t care what he’s saying down at the barber shop. Stay tuned! More to come on this project.

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