“I Got Rhythm” …… who could ask for anything more?
Ira Gershwin was the lyricist to his more famous brother George. THE George Gershwin of An American in Paris, Rhapsody in Blue, Porgy and Bess. They were both geniuses. But we love and remember George because he provided the music we love and know so well. Ira wrote and George played and composed on the piano.
And apparently so does Peter, … the Ledbetter’s cat.
You heard me. Feline, with a captial F-sharp. He’s got rhythm. He’s got music. He’s got incredibly tolerant and loving parents.

Peter the Cat – Piano Player Extraordinaire
So, let’s set this up. The Ledbetters are a couple we met during our November Pumpkin Patch Portraits in 2014. Their beloved pup was with them and we took a shot of the trio that they ended up using as their Thanksgiving card. Since then, their dog has passed away to that perfect world where no one follows you with a baggie or makes you wear seasonally appropriate/holiday costumes. Their highly photogenic and piano loving cat, Peter, is now making his own mark, noise, nuisance, irritation, laughter, eye-rolling, ….you get the idea.

The Ledbetters with their precious pup, Thanksgiving 2014
Peter is active during the day, but especially busy at night. The Ledbetters told us that the most interesting times are around midnight when they sit bolt upright in bed and then realize that Peter is merely inspired and on the move across the keys to try out some new ideas. Cole Porter, Elvis Costello, Beethoven, Elton John, Harry Connick, Jr., Ray Charles, Thelonious Monk – Peter loves them all. His parents often find him under the piano with his noise canceling headphones jamming out to his faves. Currently, though he’s devoted to more experimental and original compositions.
These two, like so many of us, love their pets, treat them as family, and we were happy to take photos of Peter for them in our studio, where pets are not only welcome, they can be the subject. Peter is not our first nor will he be our last family pet photographed. Visit us and find out more about the Pixels on Paper’s studios and check out our other blogs about pet portraits: Woof Session, Kristen + Dustin + Tiger, Chelsea’s Tennis Ball.
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