Summer 1963. Artwork by Roy McKie.
Some days, this is all I want to feel like. And I find that I’m grateful every time I do. It’s crazy-happy, fireflies, unbridled silliness, rocking in a rocking chair at twilight, watching the sun burn off the dew over morning coffee, wandering barefooted to check the garden for new veggies …… summer. This is the last summer Ryan and I will have as a family of 2. It’s precious in that it’s our last and it’s beautiful in the anticipation of our son joining us.
I’ve been thinking of the photos we take each summer of families, weddings, babies, etc and how they are unmistakable. It’s as if every person has that feeling that Roy McKie drew in the early sixties. We have another month or 2 of summer to celebrate, so whatever your plans, breathe it in. Let yourself go sock and shoeless, take a beat to feel the sun’s heat and the relief of A/C, as we southerners do. Here’s to summer!
I mean, seriously. Look at little man Brock. You know that he knows summer is awesome. He’s practically applauding it.
And so are we! Last year, on my birthday, we were having a summer celebration. We did again yesterday to celebrate Ryan’s 40th. We had no idea then that we’d be preggers at this point. Summer is special, you guys. We love you and hope yours is perfection!
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