Happy Anniversary – Wedding Portraits of Celebration
Author and environmentalist Rick Bass has a great quote about the seasons of life:
“My life, I realize suddenly, is July. Childhood is June, and old age is August,
but here it is, July, and my life, this year, is July inside of July.”

Erica & Mark Makowski, 7 years July 2nd
For each of these couples, in their year, in July, they were in the beginning of their new lives. Childhood was June. But they were entering the July inside of July.

Anna & Jordan Isaacs, 6 years July 9th

Jessica & Jason Clinton, 1 year July 16th

Lila & Joseph Duke, 6 years July 23rd
From Jessica and Jason, who were married in 2016, to Precious and Damon who’ve been married for 9 years, we hope that for the best and longest Julys in their lives. August can wait. Keep celebrating. Keep enjoying each other. Keep planting and harvesting, knowing how loved you are. Happy Anniversary, all of you!
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